Welcome to the website of the extreme plasma physics team, the theory and simulation team of the Group for Lasers and Plasmas of the Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear at Instituto Superior Técnico.
Our team is funded by the European Research Council through the Advanced Grant "Accelerates" (ERC-AdG2010 no. 267841) and the Advanced Grant “InPairs” (ERC-AdG2015).

Latest News
Aggregation Exam by Jorge Vieira

GoLP researchers secure 30 million core hours on MareNostrum 5

Latest Publications
- Direct laser acceleration of Bethe-Heitler positrons in laser-channel interactions, Physical Review E 111 (2025) p. 035203
- Optimizing proton acceleration using hollow laser pulses and a double-layer target: effects of focal spot position and polarization, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 67 (2025) p. 015027
- Particle-in-cell simulations of pulsar magnetospheres: Transition between electrosphere and force-free regimes, Astronomy & Astrophysics 690 (2024) p. A229
- Direct laser acceleration in varying plasma density profiles, New Journal of Physics 26 (2024) p. 093002