epp team at EPS 2023
Read moreepp team members Thomas G, Ricardo F, Óscar A, Thales S, alumni Kevin S, Pablo B, Bernardo B, Bertrand M, Robert B and Frederico F (all in the picture below) attended the 49th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS 2023), held on July 3-7 2023 in Bordeaux, France.
Frederico F (invited), Thomas G (contributed), Thales S (contributed), Kevin S (contributed), and Pablo B (contributed) delivered talks, whereas Ricardo F, Óscar A, Bernardo B, Bertrand M, and Robert B presented posters.
July 7, 2023 -
epp team members attend the ICMRE2023 conference in Zhuhai, China
Read moreepp team members Jorge Vieira and Róbert Babjak went to Zhuhai, China to attend the 6th International Conference on Matter and Radiation at Extremes, held on 5-9 June 2023. Jorge V delivered the plenary talk named Superradiance and temporal coherence in plasma accelerators: New pathways towards FEL brightnesses in plasma. Róbert B presented an invited talk about the connections between laser focusing and efficiency of the direct laser acceleration. Topics covered at the conference were fundamental physics at extreme light, inertial confinement fusion, radiation and hydrodynamics, and others.
June 19, 2023 -
Our Team Contributes to Groundbreaking Experiment at CERN’s HiRadMat Facility
Read moreMembers of our team, including Filipe DC, Pablo JB, and Luis OS, recently had the opportunity to participate in a groundbreaking experiment held at CERN’s SPS HiRadMat facility. The team led by Charles Arrowsmith and Gianluca Gregori from Oxford University, our researchers joined forces with experts from Oxford University, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Rochester University, University of Iceland, Max Planck Institute, and IST to contribute to the project. Leveraging our expertise in theory and simulations, our team played a significant role in ensuring the success of the experiment. It is worth mentioning that Filipe and Pablo actively assisted in data collection and provided valuable theoretical support during the experimental run at the renowned facility located in Geneva.
The experiment, aptly named Fireball (HRMT-62), has a primary focus on studying micro-instabilities in high-intensity electron-positron beams interacting with low-density plasma. By examining the interactions between a 440 GeV/c proton beam and a…
May 31, 2023 -
epp PhD student won a Fulbright Portugal scolarship
Read moreepp PhD student Diogo C was awarded one of the Fulbright Portugal 2023 PhD scholarships for research activities in U.S. institutions. This support will allow him to spend 9 months at the plasma physics group of the University of California, Los Angeles where he will be collaborating with Prof. Paulo Alves on the development of machine learning-accelerated plasma physics simulators.
May 19, 2023 -
epp members at Les Houches 2023
Read moreLast week, the epp PhD students Robert B, Pablo B, and Rui T participated in the doctoral training School Plasmas in extreme environments: from Astrophysics to the Laboratory from the 1st to the 12th of May (2023) at Les Houches School of Physics, France. The school was organized with the help of the epp member Thomas G.
During the school, Robert B and Thomas G gave a talk during the school, and Pablo B and Rui T presented a poster.
May 15, 2023 -
A booth at XXVI Semana da Física for GoLP 30th year anniversary
Read moreAs part of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of GoLP our members showcased some of the work developed over the years in a dedicated booth at the XXVI Semana da Física organized by NFIST. Hopefully, this motivated some of the high school students who visited us during the week to learn more about lasers-plasma physics, and who knows, one day present their work from the other side of the stand.
May 12, 2023 -
PhD student Filipe C attended the “Direct Drive and Fast Ignition Workshop 2023”, Oxford
Read moreLast week, Filipe Cruz went to Oxford to attend the “Direct Drive and Fast Ignition Workshop 2023” and present a poster about his recent work.
May 11, 2023 -
epp members attend the Princeton PCTS/PGI workshop
Read moreEpp members (in the first picture) Rui T, Pablo JB, and Diogo C went to Princeton Center For Theoretical Science (Princeton) to attend the Joint PGI/PCTS Workshop, held on 24th-26th of April 2023. Diogo C and Pablo JB presented a talk about their recent work, and Rui T presented a poster.
April 26, 2023 -
PRL Editor’s Suggestion: GoLP researchers demonstrate plasma instability in ultra-strong magnetic fields
Read moreA team of researchers from IST has recently published a paper entitled “Radiation reaction cooling as a source of anisotropic momentum distributions with inverted populations” in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters. This paper has been selected as Editor’s Suggestion, assigned to papers considered of be particularly important, interesting, and well written.
The study reveals a previously undocumented effect in plasma physics that alters the behavior of plasmas subjected to strong electromagnetic fields, potentially rendering them unstable and causing the emission of intense coherent radiation. This effect is thought to occur naturally in plasmas surrounding neutron stars. The paper’s lead author, PhD student Pablo J. Bilbao, conducted the research under the supervision of Professor Luís O. Silva of the Physics Department and GoLP/IPFN.
In classical electrodynamics textbooks, we all learn that charged particles accelerated in powerful electromagnetic fields radiate. When the particles are relativistic and the fields are strong, the…
April 19, 2023 -
Recent interview with Luis OS on Diário de Notícias
Read moreLuis OS recently emphasized the importance of integrating ethical considerations into scientific research in an interview with Diário de Notícias here. With technological advancements in fields like AI and biotechnology, the impact of scientific research on society has never been greater.
According to Luis OS, it’s the responsibility of scientists to address the ethical dilemmas posed by new technology. Scientific education and training should prioritize ethics, including research design, ethics committees, and codes of conduct. By taking a proactive approach to ethical principles, scientific research can become more responsible for the benefit of society.
March 27, 2023
extreme plasma physics > News