Paper published in CPC explores the onset and suppression of the numerical instability arising from relativisitc plasma drifs in electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations
Read moreOn the issue 11, pp 2503-2514 of Computer Physics Communications, X. Xu et al published their research on numerical instabiliy due to relativistic plasma drift in EM-PIC simulations. In this paper, we show that a numerical instability arises from the intersection of beam resonances and electromagnetic modes in the drifting plasma. Spectral filters were applied in order to suppress this instability, which is critical to model extreme astrophysical scenarios such as the onset of relativistic shocks and plasma based accelerators in boosted frames. More information and the full text of the paper can be found .
January 15, 2014 -
Paper published in PoP addresses the effects of intense laser pulse focal spot quality on the features of plasma based accelerated electron beams
Read moreOn the issue 20, 064501 of Physics of Plasmas, G. Genoud et al published their work on measurements of the effect of focal spot quality on self-guided laser wakefield accelerators. In this paper, we show that by controlling the focal spot quality with a deformable mirror, it is possible to increase the fraction of pulse energy contained within the central part of the focal spot, enhancing the amount of energy transfered to the plasma wakefield and to the accelerated electrons. More information and the full text of the paper can be found here.
January 15, 2014 -
Letter published in PRL demonstrates the generation of DC magnetic field in initial unmagnetized shear flows
Read more“dc-Magnetic-Field Generation in Unmagnetized Shear Flows” by Thomas Grismayer et al. was published in Physical Review Letters. It describes the mechanism, intrisic to shear gradients on the electron scale, of the generation of dc magnetic fields. The dc magnetic fields in unmagnetized electron-ion shear flows is shown to be associated to either initial thermal effects or the onset of electron-scale shear instabilities, in particular the cold Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. More information can be founded here.
Fig. 1 – Bz component of the magnetic-field structure generated by the cold KHI for v0=0.2c during (a) the linear regime, (b) near saturation, and (c) at wpe*t =1000. The insets on the right hand side represent the longitudinal average of the magnetic field, revealing the dc component.
December 15, 2013 -
Paper published in PRE addresses the conditions for formation of electrostatic shocks and ion-reflection in relativistic conditions
Read moreThe paper “Relativistic generalization of formation and ion-reflection conditions in electrostatic shocks” by Anne Stockem et al. (2013) was published in Physical Review E, vol. 87, p. 043116. In this paper, we generalize the model for electrostatic shock formation for relativistic electron temperatures and discuss the effects of a non-zero ion temperature on the reflection condition. We find that, due to the relativistic effects, the ions are reflected with lower energies. More information and the full text of the paper can be found here.
December 15, 2013
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