Principal Investigators
Luis O. Silva 

Research Interests: Check my personal webpage here
Latest Publications:- Optimizing proton acceleration using hollow laser pulses and a double-layer target: effects of focal spot position and polarization, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 67 (2025) p. 015027
- Particle-in-cell simulations of pulsar magnetospheres: Transition between electrosphere and force-free regimes, Astronomy & Astrophysics 690 (2024) p. A229
- Laboratory Study of Magnetic Reconnection in Lunar-relevant Mini-magnetospheres, The Astrophysical Journal 969 (2024) p. 124
Ricardo Fonseca

- Particle-in-cell simulations of pulsar magnetospheres: Transition between electrosphere and force-free regimes, Astronomy & Astrophysics 690 (2024) p. A229
- OSIRIS-GR: General relativistic activation of the polar cap of a compact neutron star, New Astronomy 112 (2024) p. 102261
- Hosing of a long relativistic particle bunch in plasma, Physical Review Letters 132 (2024) p. 075001
Jorge Vieira 

Research Interests: My research employs advanced computing and theory to exploit the properties of intense lasers and particle beams towards compact plasma-based accelerators and light sources. The focus of my recent work is on structured light, on how it interacts with plasma at ultra-high intensity, and on superradiant emission mechanisms in plasma. I am involved in the AWAKE experiment at CERN, and, whenever possible, I collaborate with both theoreticians and experimentalists with whom I seek to participate and elaborate experimental proposals to test novel ideas.
Latest Publications:- Optimizing proton acceleration using hollow laser pulses and a double-layer target: effects of focal spot position and polarization, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 67 (2025) p. 015027
- Hosing of a long relativistic particle bunch in plasma, Physical Review Letters 132 (2024) p. 075001
- Coherence and superradiance from a plasma-based quasiparticle accelerator, Nature Photonics 18 (2023) p. 39-45
Thomas Grismayer

Research Interests: - Ion acceleration in dense target irradiated by intense laser (plasma expansion models) - Parametric instabilities related to inertial fusion (nonlinear and multiple dimensional effects associated with electron plasma waves) - Shear instabilities (magnetic field generation, particle acceleration) - QED effects in plasma in extreme high fields laser setup (pair cascades, gamma-ray emission) and in astrophysics (magnetic reconnection, neutron stars modeling)
Latest Publications:- Particle-in-cell simulations of pulsar magnetospheres: Transition between electrosphere and force-free regimes, Astronomy & Astrophysics 690 (2024) p. A229
- OSIRIS-GR: General relativistic activation of the polar cap of a compact neutron star, New Astronomy 112 (2024) p. 102261
- Signatures for strong-field QED in the quantum limit of beamstrahlung, Physical Review A 108 (2023) p. 042816
Marija Vranic

Research Interests: radiation reaction, wakefield acceleration, classical-QED transitions in plasma
Latest Publications:- Direct laser acceleration in varying plasma density profiles, New Journal of Physics 26 (2024) p. 093002
- Direct laser acceleration: A model for the electron injection from the walls of a cylindrical guiding structure, Physical Review E 109 (2024) p. 065204
- The influence of laser focusing conditions on the direct laser acceleration of electrons, New Journal of Physics 26 (2024) p. 053010
PhD Researchers
Thales Silva

He earned his PhD from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, where his research focused on instabilities in the beam transport of space-charge dominated beams in linear accelerators. Following his PhD, he joined GoLP as a postdoctoral researcher during the EuPRAXIA preliminary design phase.
Since joining GoLP, he has contributed to various research areas, including:
- Laser-Plasma Instabilities: Generation of magnetic fields due to stimulated Raman scattering.
- Plasma Instabilities: Investigating instabilities like Weibel and electron cyclotron maser.
- Plasma Accelerators: Exploring the long-term evolution of plasma accelerators and positron acceleration.
Research Interests: Density down-ramp injection in LWFA; ion motion, plasma heating, and long-time evolution in plasma accelerators; laser-plasma interaction.
Latest Publications:- Ring momentum distributions as a general feature of Vlasov dynamics in the synchrotron dominated regime, Physics of Plasmas 31 (2024) p. 052112
- Positron acceleration in plasma waves driven by non-neutral fireball beams, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 26 (2023) p. 091301
- Weibel instability beyond bi-Maxwellian anisotropy, Physical Review E 104 (2021) p. 035201
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Xuezhi Wu

Lucas Ivan Inigo Gamiz

Research Interests: Laser-Plasma interactions, QED Cascades, Radiation Reaction, Plasma Instabilities, High-Field Physics, Machine/Deep Learning, Particle-in-Cell Codes.
Graduate Students
Rafael Almeida

Róbert Babjak

- Direct laser acceleration in varying plasma density profiles, New Journal of Physics 26 (2024) p. 093002
- Direct laser acceleration: A model for the electron injection from the walls of a cylindrical guiding structure, Physical Review E 109 (2024) p. 065204
- The influence of laser focusing conditions on the direct laser acceleration of electrons, New Journal of Physics 26 (2024) p. 053010
Zahra Mohammadzadehchamazkoti
Ankur Nath

Diogo Carvalho

- Learning the dynamics of a one-dimensional plasma model with graph neural networks, Machine Learning: Science and Technology 5 (2024) p. 025048
Bhushan Thakur

Research Interests: Laser wakefield acceleration, high energy radiation, PIC simulations.
Camilla Willim

- Optimizing proton acceleration using hollow laser pulses and a double-layer target: effects of focal spot position and polarization, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 67 (2025) p. 015027
- Proton acceleration with intense twisted laser light, Physical Review Research 5 (2023) p. 023083
Chiara Badiali

- Machine-learning-based models in particle-in-cell codes for advanced physics extensions, Journal Of Plasma Physics 88 (2022) p. issue 6
Pablo Bilbao

Research Interests: Laser-plasma interactions, Ion acceleration in dense target irradiated by intense laser, electron acceleration, astrophysical plasmas, particle-in-cell codes, high-performance computing
Latest Publications:- Laboratory realization of relativistic pair-plasma beams, Nature Communications 15 (2024) p. 5209
- Ring momentum distributions as a general feature of Vlasov dynamics in the synchrotron dominated regime, Physics of Plasmas 31 (2024) p. 052112
- Radiation reaction cooling as a source of anisotropic momentum distributions with inverted populations, Physical Review Letters 130 (2023) p. 165101
Óscar Amaro

- QScatter: numerical framework for fast prediction of particle distributions in electron-laser scattering, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66 (2024) p. 045006
- A Living Review of Quantum Computing for Plasma Physics, arXiv 2302 (2023) p. 20
- Optimal laser focusing for positron production in laser–electron scattering, New Journal of Physics 23 (2021) p. 115001
Filipe Cruz

- Laboratory Study of Magnetic Reconnection in Lunar-relevant Mini-magnetospheres, The Astrophysical Journal 969 (2024) p. 124
- Laboratory realization of relativistic pair-plasma beams, Nature Communications 15 (2024) p. 5209
- Strong collisionless coupling between an unmagnetized driver plasma and a magnetized background plasma, Physics of Plasmas 30 (2023) p. 052901
Bernardo Barbosa

- Creation and direct laser acceleration of positrons in a single stage, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 26 (2023) p. 011301
MSc. Students
Francisco Assunção

- Ring momentum distributions as a general feature of Vlasov dynamics in the synchrotron dominated regime, Physics of Plasmas 31 (2024) p. 052112