GoLP and FRONTIERS: Bridging Science and Journalism

FRONTIERS is a science journalism initiative funded by the European Research Council, running from 2023 to 2027. Its main goal is to facilitate collaboration between scientists and journalists which envisions a world where they can unite to communicate accurate scientific information, building public trust in science, combating misinformation, and fostering social resilience.

The Group of Lasers and Plasmas (GoLP) at Técnico is one of the institutions hosting journalists from FRONTIERs and it was highlighted in the first announcement, here. GoLP is known for its unique approach to blending theory, experiments, and simulations.. Through GoLP, journalists can access experimental, theory and simulation efforts, unique media resources, and global collaborations with institutions like UCLA, Oxford, and CERN. FRONTIERS offers a unique opportunity to contribute to a collaborative, informed society. More information on how to apply can be found here.
